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Bacterial STIs

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are both very common and can be passed during vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected partner. If left untreated they can damage the reproductive organs. A urine test or swabs are used to diagnose them and they can be cured with antibiotics. 

Syphilis can be passed during vaginal, oral and anal sex. If left untreated it can damage the brain, heart, nervous system and can lead to death. A blood test is used to diagnose and it can be cured with antibiotics. 

Congenital syphilis is when, a pregnant person, passes syphilis to the baby during pregnancy or at delivery. It can cause very serious health issues including stillbirth, death after birth or severe long term health conditions. A pregnant person can be treated during pregnancy or after birth. In most situations early diagnosis and treatment can reduce the risk of severe outcomes. Testing is the best way to know if treatment is needed during pregnancy.